Is this Mud?
A Fix It Call:
“Bob Cat has filled the road with dirt not gravel consequently creating a slippery road and mud bog. Could Bob Cat be recalled to bucket gravel to the danger zone, spread, pack down so that we can at least have 2 wheel drive vehicle access to our homes?”
MC Response:
Actually Wayne is incorrect. The bobcat did not use dirt that is just silly.
What kind of response is that?
Mentioned in minutes of meeting held at Site 10 on 28/11/21 @10am
7. Annual accounts discussion.
We spoke about having the resources to cope with emergencies and considered that the most likely
situation for requiring large sums of money would be damage to the road infrastructure. The more road
that is bitumened the less likely that scenario would be. Peter spoke about the bitumening of the steep hill
after cyclone Debbie. It was the gravelling of the steep hill that was always he greatest ongoing expense
in terms of road maintenance and part of the $40,000 spent in 2017 was undoing the wasted work that Mr
Bobcat had performed by filling the trench in the road with mud instead rocks as he was instructed to do.
We then had to get an excavator with a narrow bucket to scoop out the mud for the entire length of the
trench and refill it with rocks. Mr. Bobcat should have paid to undo his stuff-up.
We all thanked Pat for the fantastic job she has done to put it all together.